Recognize The Divine Within
I Download Phantom
Go to Chrome Webstore and get Phantom add-on
II Add Funds
Buy Solana on an exchange and send $SOL to your Phantom wallet
III Buy on Raydium
Visit Raydium swap, change the slippage as needed, and buy.
Liquidity Pool
1 Billion
Mint Auth
$NAMASTE on Solana is all about bringing back the good vibes and the spirit of WAGMI. Originally crypto was intended to be used as a leverage mechanism to account for financial disparities between multiple countries and it’s different people, and now, things have gone terribly wrong. Only acknowledging this great treachery will awaken the masses to the true potential of crypto, and more importantly, Solana. Hodlers of $NAMASTE have a zen-like focus whenever it comes to understanding these types of things. Being able to operate in space of abundance, truth, wealth, prosperity and more is essential for the growth of any human being, and that’s exactly the type of community that we want $NAMASTE to foster.
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$NAMASTE, 2024, all rights reserved